Cancelation and Refund Policy

HomeCancelation and Refund Policy

What is the Return policy?

We do not accept returns unless the product you received is damaged/defective/wrong. In that case, you must report the issue to our customer support team within 48 hours of delivery.

You have the following options:

  • Request a re-delivery of the product or
  • Receive a refund in the original mode of payment (processed within 7-10 working days)

To contact our customer support team, go to My Orders >> Select the Order >> Select Chat with us or Call Us as per your convenience (working hours are 11am-5pm; all 7 days)

Can I get my money back anytime?

We are unable to process refunds in these situations:

  • If the sender gives us a wrong address.
  • If the recipient is not at the address given by the sender or does not want to take the delivery.
  • If the product quality is affected by how the recipient handles the product.
  • Cancellation/Modification request made within 24hrs.

How long does it take for the Refund amount to reach the original payment method?

  • The refund process depends on the payment method you used when you placed the order.
  • You should receive the refund within 7-10 working days.